The L&D skills mapper

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Helping you combat the reskilling revolution


Organisations worldwide are facing a reskilling revolution. The World Economic Forum predicts that 50% of the global workforce will need retraining by 2025, placing huge demand on learning teams worldwide. But L&D professionals are not exempt from the need to upskill and retrain. In order to support learning leaders in upskilling their teams and driving change, Jam Pan has created an L&D skills mapper to guide the upskilling process.

Identifying the five key focus points for forward-thinking learning teams as servicing the business, prioritising learning experience, maximising platform usage, efficient use of resource and data utilisation, we have mapped skills needed against these groups. Covering a wide range of skills from content development and learning experience design, through to marketing and data analytics, we’ve identified the skills learning professionals need – and how they can get them

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